Conservation and Development Grants and Loans
DNRC administers a wide range of grants and loans for Montana, assisting cities and towns, conservation districts, private landowners, and other groups in managing natural resource issues at the local level.
Visit DNRC's Grants & Loans Page for information about funding opportunities, eligibility, and how to apply.
Current Opportunities
- Nonpoint Source Municipal Sewer Connections Grants: Now open until April 14, 2025 at 5pm.
- RDG Planning Grant: Now open until April 25, 2025
- Technical Assistance Grants: Renewable Resource Program - Grant cycle is open. Applications will be accepted until funds are expended.
- Renewable Resource Program Emergency Grants - Grant cycle is open. Applications will be accepted until funds are expended.
Western Montana Conservation Commission Grants Current Opportunities
- Septic Maintenance and Education Grants - Grant cycle is open. Applications will be accepted until funds are expended. First round reviews begin March 2025.
- Septic Connectivity or Septic System Replacement Grants - Grant cycle is open. Applications will be accepted until funds are expended. First round reviews begin March 2025
- Residential and Community Green Stormwater Infrastructure Grants - Grant cycle is open. Applications will be accepted until funds are expended. First round reviews begin March 2025
- Showcase Green Stormwater Infrastructure Grants - Grant cycle is open. Applications will be accepted until funds are expended. First round reviews begin March 2025
Conservation District Grants Current Opportunities
- FY 25 CD Education Mini Grants - Rolling Deadline; FY 25 applications will be accepted through April 30, 2025
- FY 25, Cycle 2 - Planning, Project, and Pollinator Grants; Opens February 1, Closes March 15
- FY 26 CD Administrative Grants; Opens March 1, Closes May 31
Forestry Division - Grants
Current Opportunities
- Forest Stewardship Grants Request for Proposals - The current challenging conditions of Montana's forests require strategically identifying opportunities to improve forest health and reduce wildfire risk. Forest Stewardship Grants provide funding to support a portion of the expense of implementing sustainable forest management and developing Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs). The Request for Proposals process is designed to solicit the best project proposals; eligibility to apply for funding will be determined from these proposals. Now accepting proposals. Open until March 15th, 2025.
- Cooperative Fire Protection Capacity Grant - Funding aimed at cooperatively increasing local fire leadership, preparedness, and fire response capabilities. Through this opportunity, DNRC seeks to fund and leverage staff capacity or projects in support of local fire response coordination needs while also supporting DNRC County Coop fire protection related functions. Now accepting applications on an open and rolling basis. Applications will be accepted through March 31, 2025, or until all funds are awarded.
- Conservation Education Small Grant Program (ConEd) - Funding to provide program assistance and outreach efforts to children (pre-K - 12th) and their educators in both classroom and informal settings for natural resource education. Now accepting applications. First review of applications closes on February 15, 2025, with additional review ongoing until December 31, 2025 or until all funds are awarded.
Visit our website and check out our guidelines for more specifics: WMCC-EPA-Grant-Subaward-Guidelines.pdf
Eligible projects will create green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) projects designed to mitigate pollution and reduce runoff while showcasing co-benefits and opportunities for public engagement.
If you have any immediate questions please contact our general email or grant staff directly.
Kristen Jordan, Grant Program Specialist,
Heidi Fleury, Grant Program Specialist,
Krista Lammers, Grant Administrative Specialist,
Visit our website and check out our guidelines for more specifics: WMCC-EPA-Grant-Subaward-Guidelines.pdf
Eligible projects will develop or expand residential and community green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) programs that provide cost share, outreach, and programming on the benefits of using GSI to manage water quality impacts of stormwater runoff water. In addition to providing funds for materials, supplies and cost-shares for other services, successful programs will engage and educate residents and/or natural resource professionals about the conservation co-benefits of using GSI to mitigate toxic pollution from stormwater runoff in Western Montana watersheds that are part of the Columbia River Basin.
If you have any immediate questions please contact our general email or grant staff directly.
Kristen Jordan, Grant Program Specialist,
Heidi Fleury, Grant Program Specialist,
Krista Lammers, Grant Administrative Specialist,
Visit our website and check out our guidelines for more specifics: WMCC-EPA-Grant-Subaward-Guidelines.pdf
Eligible projects will provide water quality benefits by replacing aging and underperforming septic systems or connecting septic systems or a group of septic systems to a local water and sewer district. In addition to septic system replacement or sewer district connection, the program will engage and educate residents about toxic pollution from septic leachate in Western Montana watersheds that are part of the Columbia River Basin.
If you have any immediate questions please contact our general email or grant staff directly.
Kristen Jordan, Grant Program Specialist,
Heidi Fleury, Grant Program Specialist,
Krista Lammers, Grant Administrative Specialist,
Visit our website and check out our guidelines for more specifics: WMCC-EPA-Grant-Subaward-Guidelines.pdf
Eligible projects will develop or expand residential septic maintenance programs that provide cost share, outreach, and programming on septic water quality impacts. In addition to providing a maintenance cost-share or other services, programs or events will engage and educate residents and/or natural resource professionals about toxic pollution from septic leachate in Western Montana watersheds that are part of the Columbia River Basin.
If you have any immediate questions please contact our general email or grant staff directly.
Kristen Jordan, Grant Program Specialist,
Heidi Fleury, Grant Program Specialist,
Krista Lammers, Grant Administrative Specialist,
DNRC is offering local governments Technical Assistance to apply for planning grants. Technical Assistance funds are designed to assist local governments that:
- Do not have an established relationship with a professional engineering firm. OR
- Have not been successful in applying for DNRC planning grants in the prior biennium.
DNRC will prioritize requests for Technical Assistance from local governments who meet the above criteria.
If Technical Assistance is approved, DNRC will assign a contracted technical service provider to assist the local government with a Renewable Resource Planning Grant Application.
Technical Assistance is limited to $3,000 or 20 hours @ $150/hour. Technical service providers are contracted with and paid by DNRC once a Renewable Resource Planning Grant Application is submitted.
If you have questions, please contact Katherine Certalic .
DNRC RRGL Emergency Grant
Thank you for your interest in the RRGL Emergency Grant program. The legislature has appropriated $300,000 to the Renewable Resource Grant and Loan (RRGL) Program to provide emergency funding for projects that, due to their emergency nature, cannot wait for legislative approval. Grants are available for emergency projects that pose an immediate threat to the beneficial management of a renewable resource and, if delayed, will cause substantial damage or legal liability. All reasonable funding sources must be investigated before an emergency grant will be awarded. Emergency grants are limited to $30,000 per project. Grant assistance is limited to only serious emergencies that meet program requirements.
Please review the Program Guidelines Here: RRGL-Program-Guidelines-2025-Biennium
Grantees must enter into a contract with the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) before funds can be reimbursed. Reimbursement requests must include copies of applicable invoices, proof of payment, and the DNRC Vendor Invoice. Project close-out documents include a Certificate of Compliance.
For the most up to date grant guidelines, please visit the CD Resource Documents Site.
To inquiry about ideas, and/or project feasibility, contact the CD Specialist for your District who will work with you to develop the proposal including a detailed scope, schedule, and budget.
Stephanie Criswell,, 406-444-6669
Mary Hendrix,, 406-431-2639
Veronica Grigaltchik,, 406-437-4501
Catey Bauer,, 406-465-0948
Kasydi Lucas,, 406-594-0726
DNRC Reclamation and Development Grants Program - Planning Grants
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) manages the Reclamation and Development Grants Program (RDGP) to fund projects that indemnify the people of the state for the effects of mineral development on public resources and that meet other crucial needs to protect Montana’s environment. Crucial state need projects must serve the public interest and the total environment of the citizens of Montana. The purposes of the reclamation and development grants program are to:
- repair, reclaim, and mitigate environmental damage to public resources from nonrenewable resource extraction; and,
- develop and ensure the quality of public resources for the benefit of all Montanans.
The purpose of the RDGP planning grant program is to assist local governments with planning and preparation for these types of projects.
Applicant Eligibility
Reclamation and Development Grants Program planning grants are available to city, county, or other local political subdivisions or Tribal governments within the state. Federal agencies, private corporations, non-profits and individuals are not eligible to receive RDGP planning grant funding.
Project Eligibility
The RDG Program funds planning for the following project types:
- Reclamation ($75,000): Projects that repair, reclaim, and/or mitigate environmental damage to public resources from non-renewable resource extraction (mining, hazardous waste, and oil and gas)
- Drought Management Plan ($50,000): Development of a drought management plan for a watershed or region of the state. Drought management plans must identify drought mitigation projects (see below) to implement.
- Drought Mitigation Project Planning ($50,000): Planning for specific projects that address drought across a watershed, as the main purpose of the project. The project must be identified in an existing plan such as a drought management plan or a watershed management plan that ties the need for the project to the watershed for region.
- High Hazard Dams ($75,000): High hazard dam (Montana Dam Safety Act, MCA 85-15-106) projects that will mitigate damage to natural resources as a result of failure. Planning grants must clearly demonstrate natural resource benefits.
- Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) Mapping ($75,000): Channel migration zone (CMZ) mapping projects that plan for large-scale flood assessment or other natural resource benefits to a watershed or region of the state. Projects must identify the natural resource needs of the area and include prioritization of projects benefiting natural resources.
- Other Crucial State Need ($50,000): Projects that meet a crucial state need must prevent or eliminate severe and unacceptable damage to natural resources or capture extraordinary public benefit that would otherwise be lost. They must have a regional, watershed, or statewide importance. Public benefit from this type of project must directly relate to natural resources.
Program Guidance and Application Instructions are available on the DNRC Planning Grants page. This application must be submitted by someone within the applying entity (city, county, conservation district, etc.).
Questions? Contact:
Samantha Treu,, 406-422-3369
Notice of Funding Available and Request for Proposals
Proposals Due By: The application is open and rolling until funding is awarded.
- First review period closes for applications : April 1, 2024.
- Additional review periods: ongoing until March 31, 2025 or sooner if all funds are awarded.
DNRC’s fundamental intent in areas of State/County Cooperative Fire Protection (County Coop) is to build and maintain the capacity of local governments so that local firefighters routinely succeed on the initial attack of wildland fires and avoid the need for large-scale involvement by the DNRC or our federal partners. The County Coop Fire Protection arrangement builds upon the fire suppression capacity of communities and local government and has been a highly effective fire protection model in Montana for the past 50+ years. This success can be attributed to the strong partnerships and cooperation that exist across the state.
To better support this fire protection arrangement in an ever-changing wildfire environment, DNRC has made funding available aimed at cooperatively increasing local fire leadership, preparedness, and fire response capabilities. Through this opportunity, DNRC seeks to fund and leverage staff capacity or projects in support of local fire response coordination needs while also supporting DNRC County Coop fire protection related functions.
Desired Outcomes
- Actions and investments that further the capacity of rural fire protection entities at the local level, while also supporting the fundamental intent of the DNRC County Coop program.
- Well-coordinated, safe, and effective local wildland fire response.
- Increased wildfire preparedness efforts and improved coordination between local, state, and federal fire response organizations.
Source of Funding
Funding sources for this grant are from appropriations in the State of Montana made available through the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Forestry and Trust Lands Division. State General Fund (HB2) is expected as an on-going funding source. There has also been a one-time increase from the Fire Suppression Fund through HB 883 for this cycle of grant opportunity. Grant funds will be distributed on a reimbursement basis.
Eligible Applicants
Montana counties with a current Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement with the State of Montana as outlined in MCA 7-33-2202 (4b) are eligible to apply.
Allowable Activities
This grant opportunity is intended to further the capacity of rural fire protection entities at the local level, while also supporting the fundamental intent of the DNRC State/County Cooperative Fire Protection program. The following are items are examples of potentially eligible projects. DNRC encourages innovative approaches to furthering local fire leadership, preparedness, and fire response capabilities.
Note: These funds are intended to supplement activities or fulfill unmet needs--they cannot be used to replace previously allocated funding.
Examples of eligible high priority activities include:
- Funding County Fire Warden, Deputy County Fire Warden, or Rural Fire Coordinator positions that are currently unfunded, part-time, ad hoc, or volunteer.
- Reimbursement/stipends for other unfunded or volunteer fire leadership positions such as County Rural Fire Chiefs, Fire Chiefs or Duty Chiefs/Duty Officers during periods of heightened fire activity.
- Reimbursement/stipends for County Rural Fire Department or Rural Fire District Personnel for fire response.
- Other projects that further the capacity and capabilities of local fire response entities.
Another example of eligible, are more of a one time funding that would be more focused towards the following activities include:
- IT Infrastructure that better supports well-coordinated, safe, and effective local wildland fire response (Dispatch, CAD, GIS, Mutual Aid Communications).
- Wildland fire leadership and incident command training.
- Other items that directly support high priority activities listed above with a reasonable justification.
If funding staff/personnel time or positions, Grantee will administer payment and/or payroll responsibilities for those individuals. The Grantee is also responsible for making sure that it and its employees are covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance and in compliance with the coverage provisions of the Workers’ Compensation Act.
This grant funding is subject to the following restrictions:
- Grant funding must result in a net increase in fire response capacity. It cannot be used to repurpose or replace funding of positions that are already funded.
- Funds are not intended for fire suppression equipment or personal protective equipment. Other grant funding sources exist for these types of items.
- Projects not directly related to furthering local fire leadership, preparedness, and fire response capabilities are ineligible.
Grant Amount
Grants awarded will typically range from $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000. DNRC may consider proposals exceeding the $100,000 limit on an exceptional basis. Award amounts may vary due to funding availability and the number and quality of applications received. Multi-year applications will be considered with a 3-year maximum.
Match Requirement
This grant does not require match. However, cash and/or in-kind contributions are encouraged to support the cooperative intent of this opportunity.
How To Apply
Scroll down and select "login" (if you already have a Submittable account) or "create a new account" to start filling out the application. Submit your application by 5 p.m. on April 1, 2024 for consideration in the first review period.
- You can use this worksheet to start brainstorming your ideas. You can then copy and paste your answers into the Submittable application.
Letters of support for the funding request from participating fire departments, rural fire councils, and other organizations are not required but will strengthen an application.
After the initial round of proposals are reviewed, if funding remains, additional proposals will be reviewed up until the final submission deadline of March 31, 2025. The panel may choose to immediately award funding to a proposal, may reject a proposal for funding or may choose to place a proposal in a pending approval status. Pending approval proposals may or may not be subsequently awarded funds and may be passed-over for funding in favor of a later submission that the panel deems to have more merit. The opportunity will remain open and will be accepting applications on a rolling basis until March 31, 2025 or earlier if all funding is awarded.
Award and Disbursement
Applications received will be reviewed for funding by DNRC Fire Protection staff. Applications will be evaluated on how well they meet the goals of the grant program. If funding remains after first-round selections, or if additional funding becomes available, DNRC may consider funding additional applications at that time.
Upon selection of funding, DNRC will proceed with developing grant award documents with identified points of contact. Applicants selected in the first review period must be capable of returning a signed grant agreement to DNRC by June 20, 2024. Funded activities may start July 1, 2024.
Funds may only be used as described in the executed grant agreement unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the DNRC. Disbursement of grant funds by DNRC will be upon approval of submitted documentation of reimbursable costs. Documentation may include itemized receipts, invoices, financial reports, and other documents that clearly show expenditures.
Reporting Requirements
Grantees will be required to report to DNRC on a quarterly basis to describe project accomplishments and how funds are being utilized. A final report will be required stating how the funds were used and the outcomes that were achieved.
Helpful Links
- CFP Worksheet (you can copy and paste your answers from the worksheet to Submittable).
- Authorizing Statement (this will need to be signed by a County Commissioner).
- How to add collaborators.
David Hamilton
State/County Cooperative Fire Program Manager
DNRC Fire Protection Bureau
NPS Municipal Sewer Connections Program Purpose
The Municipal Sewer Connections grant program seeks to preserve Montana's water resources by providing financial assistance to projects that replace septic systems with connections to municipal or group sewer systems. Grant funds must be used to directly offset or eliminate the cost of terminating individual or group septic systems and connecting into municipal or group sewer systems.
BEFORE APPLYING: Read the program guidelines thoroughly and use this Word document worksheet to organize your application.
Applicant Eligibility
Eligible applicants include any local government entity, such as water and/or sewer districts, cities, tribal governments, towns, etc.
Nonpoint Source Project Implementation Program Purpose
NPS Project Implementation grants can fund on-the-ground projects that preserve water resources and provide benefits such as erosion reduction, water quality enhancement, and sediment reduction.
BEFORE APPLYING: Read the program guidelines thoroughly and use this Word document worksheet to organize your application.
The Montana Legislature provides Montana conservation districts with coal severance tax monies for any purpose that they are authorized to perform pursuant to MCA, Title 76, Chapter 15, Part 4.
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Conservation Resource Development Division (CARDD) offers this funding through CD Administrative Grants to conservation districts that do not have adequate funds to cover basic operation costs, such as administrative salaries, office supplies, communications, and insurance.
All conservation districts in Montana are eligible for apply for CD Administrative grant funding. The following criteria will be applied in evaluating CDA funding requests.
- CD has a need for funds beyond mill for general operations. 76-15-530, MCA
- CD has levied the maximum county mills allowed for the current fiscal year. 76-15-530, MCA
- CD has exhausted its authorized mill levies. 76-15-530 MCA
- CD has submitted its Annual Financial Report to the Department of Administration- Local Government Services. 2-7-503, MCA
- CD has prepared and submitted a preliminary budget to the county clerk and recorder. 7-6-4020, MCA.
- A statement of assets including account balances and the district’s plans and timeline for expending.
Review the CD Administrative Grant Guidelines for additional information about this funding opportunity.
Through the CDA application, districts will be able to opt-in for $3,500 in funding for Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) annual dues. The district agrees to supplement these funds with $500 in non-CDA funding. Through association dues, MACD provides statewide programming and services to all districts in Montana.
Districts are also able to use this application to request 310 reimbursements for permits issued in 2024.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 31, 2025 by 5:00 pm
For additional information about Conservation District Grant Programs, visit
For Additional Information Contact:
Contact your CD Specialist

NOTE, FEB 2025: Due to ongoing delays in federal reimbursements, Montana DNRC is paused on awarding federal funds, and funding for these applications is not currently available. We hope that this is temporary and will still be accepting applications.
Applications will be accepted on an open and rolling basis until available funding is awarded.
First review period closes: February 15, 2025.
Additional review periods: ongoing until December 31, 2025, or sooner if all funds are awarded.
The funding for the Conservation Education Program is derived from the State of Montana Fire Suppression Fund and from federal awards from the United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service to the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Forestry and Trust Lands Division.
The intent of these funds is to provide program assistance and outreach efforts to children (pre-K through 12th grade) and their educators in both classroom and informal settings.
Funds will be awarded to proposals that deliver quality youth educational experiences. Examples of appropriate uses of these funds include:
- Outdoor education activities for youth pre-K through 12th grade.
- Facilitator training activities and associated costs.
- Professional development in the field of conservation education.
- Facilitation costs, meeting space, refreshments, and other expenses associated with hosting the aforementioned activities or events.
- Travel to and register for training or professional development opportunities associated with conservation education.
Montana state, local, or tribal governments, non-profits, community groups, educational institutions, educators, or individuals.
- Up to $30,000 is available for awards in this cycle.
- Awards are typically $3,000 or less, although the program manager may approve larger amounts, on a limited basis.
- Funds must be expended within one calendar year of the date of approval.
Applicants are encouraged to show match from the organization and partners to increase the competitiveness of their proposal, but match is not required.